Nightingale Winner in Canadian Business Awards
Nightingale has been selected as a winner in the Canadian Business Awards by Corporate Vision (CV) Magazine for our performance in 2018. In this year’s round of the Canadian Business Awards, Corporate Vision looked for companies whose performance was strong despite oil price scares in 2017 and trade uncertainties with the United States. Businesses in Canada who not only have strong financials but also strong company ethics were heralded for their efforts, and Nightingale’s commitment to our employees’ job-security, work environment, and work-life balance were praised as contributing to our continual success. Despite challenges to the Canadian economy, Nightingale had a strong year. In addition to expanding our product line, we expanded our roster by hiring a variety of wonderful sales reps. According to Edward Faulkner, Coordinator of the CV awards, these two growth markers were key in Nightingale’s being named one of the top Canadian businesses of 2018.
You can read more about Corporate Vision magazine at their website:
For more about Nightingale’s awards and recognitions, please check out our brand new awards page on our website, which can be found at