Government Orders

Click on the categories below to see the contracts.

TIPS The Interlocal Purchasing System Contract # 230301 issued to Nightingale Corp.



1.       This is to summarize the details of the above contract for TIPS.

2.       As of June 1st 2023, items offered are found in the Nightingale USA Price Book Dated October 2022

3.       This contract is valid until May 31, 2028.


Contract Details for Government Buyers


1.       All TIPS member purchase orders can either be sent to TIPS for processing to Nightingale care of the local Nightingale Authorized Dealer or sent directly to the Nightingale Authorized Dealer. Nightingale will ship the order direct to the ordering agency (providing they have a shipping dock) or direct to the local dealer who will deliver and install the order for an additional        
    charge that will be determined on a case-by-case basis (Dealer to advise fee to agency before order placed). The installation fee must appear on the purchase order as a separate line item if the agency sends the PO to TIPS. 

2.       If the PO is issued to the Nightingale Authorized Dealer, then Nightingale will report the sale to TIPS directly.


3.       Only product listed in the Nightingale USA Price Book Dated Oct 2022 applies to this contract.


a.       Freight is prepaid no charge dock to dock only within the CONUS.

b.       Shipments to Alaska and Hawaii will be FOB West Coast, dockside only. Nightingale will not prepay beyond this point.


4.       The discount to the agency will be List Price by Product Line by Category, as listed below:


        55%: off List Price on 1-5 Cartons 

        65% off List Price on 6 plus Cartons

        Task, Conference, Executive Management, Lounge, Specialty Seating, Lounge, Guest and Stackable


5.       Inside Delivery costs will not exceed 10% of PO value. 


6.    Shipment will be within 15 business days of receipt of order as all products are produced to order. If shipment cannot be made within the state timeframe, the customer will be notified accordingly.


Should any agency have any questions about the contract with Nightingale or Nightingale products in general, please contact your local Nightingale Sales Representative, Nightingale Authorized Dealer or contact Nightingale directly at:

Nightingale Customer Care Tel: 1 800 363 8954 or Email: [email protected] OR 

Sen Tharmabalasingam ,  Tel: 1 800 363 8954 or Email:  [email protected]