Nightingale is Proud to Receive Healthier Hospitals Initiative Certification
In an average everyday life, patients and workers are exposed to a wide array of chemicals in hospitals and health care facilities. These chemicals can be found in places such as furniture and fabrics that result in a range of health risks.
Healthier Hospitals encourages industries to shift towards a more sustainable business model that addresses and measures their health and environmental impacts.
Nightingale Corp. offers various products that meet the requirements for the Healthier Hospitals (HH) Safer Chemicals Challenge, Version 2.0 by using the Safer Chemicals Healthy Interiors Guidance.
All Nightingale products are tested in accordance with ANSI/BIFMA standard method M-7.1-2011 and comply with ANSI/BIFMA e3-2011 Furniture Sustainability standard sections 7.6.1, 7.6.2.
Nightingale is pleased to offer PFC free fabrics that are free of stain or water-repellent treatments that contain any long and short chain and poly fluorinated alkyl compounds and fluorinated polymers. Nightingale looks forward to offering Healthier Hospitals certified products, within our healthcare range and across our entire lineup of chairs.