Introducing Nightingale’s Full Line Catalog
Nightingale is proud and excited to launch our Full Line Catalog.
The Full Line Catalog is a straight-forward yet extensive marketing piece that is simple to understand, visually impactful and is intended to peak clients’ interests to further explore Nightingale products.
Inside our booklet you will find over 50 product series and 321 models showcased. The Catalog covers all applications and product categories: Conference, Guest, Healthcare, Ergonomic Task, Stackable, Executive, Lounge, Sit/Stand chairs.
Our Catalog displays all product series and models in a monochromatic color palette so not to distract the eye and keep the focus on the products’ design and quality.
A PDF version of the Full Line Catalog is available online for download on Nightingale’s website. It can be found by hovering over the Resources page, going to Digital Assets, clicking Lookbook and selecting Full Line - Catalog. In addition, a product specific Full Line Series sheet is available on each individual product page of the website, under the Resources tab. This means reps, dealers, designers and end-users all have unlimited access to Nightingale’s product offerings.
Clients can request further marketing literature such as product brochures, specification sheets, fabric cards and a price book by contacting their sales rep.
The Full Line Catalog joins Nightingale’s Lookbook to provide you with detailed product images and design inspiration. Please note that our At-A-Glance brochure is still available upon request but is being phased out.